EnginSoft Experience – part 2
November 19 | 10:30 - 11:30
Language: English
Event organized by

A set of presentations, in two sessions, of six successful cases, selected to provide valuable inspiration for future developments in your specific field; these are prime examples of how simulation technologies can be exploited to their full potential.
This second session will present three other interesting examples, namely tolerance optimization, fatigue analysis and multi-objective multidisciplinary optimization.

10:30 - 10:50
Ed Walsh, VP Global Sales at Sigmetrix
Using CETOL to Innovate and Make Decisions Early in the Development Process
We will show some examples of using CETOL early in the development process and show how animations and sensitivity results can help make decisions about the design. We will show 3 or 4 videos of CETOL and include information about the challenges and the choices made.
Ed, Global VP of Sales, is responsible for driving business decisions & strategy & delivering on execution, financial performance, & growth of Sigmetrix. Ed has been integral to the strategic direction of Sigmetrix over the last 14 years. Previously he was a partner at Leading Edge & was the Lead for the Robust Design & Variation Analysis Group. He served as President & Regional Director at PDMA, holds a ME degree, & certifications in Six Sigma, New Product Development, & Systems Engineering.

10:50 - 11:10
Klaus Hofwimmer, Manager FEMFAT Sales&Support, Magna Powertrain
Modern fatigue life prediction of welded joints - modeling, definition and evaluation
Welded joints have a significant influence on the fatigue life of vehicle components due to considerably lower dynamic strength values. An efficient definition of the welds as well as the reliable evaluation of multiaxial loads represent additional challenges, especially for large welded structures. In order to meet these requirements, the Engineering Center Steyr has developed methods and tools which are demonstrated on the basis of the lifetime evaluation of a bus structure.
After finished the Technical University of Vienna with a master degree in mechanical engineering in 2000, Klaus Hofwimmer joined the Engineering Center Steyr, a company of MAGNA in Austria. In the first two years he was engaged with Finite Element analyses for durability, for static and dynamic problems as well as acoustics. From 2002 to 2017 he does software development for FEMFAT, especially for the fatigue assessment in FEMFAT WELD module. Since Sept. 2017, he heads the sales and support team of FEMFAT.

11:10 - 11:30
Stefano Carrino, EnginSoft
Simulation Based Systen Modelling for the Design of a Fail-Safe Electromechanical Actuator
During this presentation, results of the LUBFORLIFE project will be presented. The aim of this research project is to design a fail-safe designed electromechanical actuator built by UMBRA Group. The main focus is on the methodology to improve safety, increase useful life, enable fast decision making and to monitor the load conditions. This requirement, which is critical for the safety and to contain the operating costs is to preserve both the actuator and the lubricant’s characteristics and efficiency for the full 20-30 years of operation without the need to carry out any type of maintenance. EnginSoft is in charge of the simulation-based system model of the electromechanical actuator (EMA). LUBFORLIFE project is co-founded under the MIUR Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020”, will be presented.
Stefano owns a PhD in nano-technologies, materials and structure engineering, and works as an application engineer in The SPDM functional unit of EnginSoft Italy. Stefano is an expert in: system modelling and integration, multidisciplinary integration and optimization processes platforms, SPDM (Simulation Process and Data Management) technology.